
What Your CFO Is Not Telling You

Posted in: Uncategorized - Sep 21, 2010

It's easy to view your Chief Financial Officer (CFO) as a one-person "Department of No." While you're busy brainstorming with your teams to come up with innovative ways to use technology and improve your organization, your CFO is zeroed-in on budgets and fiscal accountability. The CIO often pursues the unknown, while the CFO's job is all about determining what IS known. With that in mind, CIO Insight has worked with two CFOs to develop this list of seven things your CFO is not telling you, plus three pointers on how you can improve your working relationship. Contributing to this effort are: Tom Crawford, a former CFO who is now senior vice president overseeing North American operations for Microgen; and Greg Baker, CFO at Logicalis. Microgen is a software company that produces business-process platform technology for companies in finance, digital media, energy and other sectors. Logicalis is an international provider of integrated information and communications technology (ICT) solutions. -

How to Improve Master Data Liquidity

Posted in: Master Data Management - Sep 17, 2010

In today’s information-driven business environment, effective data management is a corporate imperative. Capturing and leveraging comprehensive data about key corporate entities (such as customers, products, vendors, employees, and assets) is critical to business success. Unfortunately, many companies struggle to manage and monetize all of their data assets. Companies continually fail to realize data-driven strategic insights and operational efficiencies. These companies are forfeiting significant business benefits, and they will be at a disadvantage against more sophisticated

The Secrets of Building an Agile, Adaptable BI Environment

Posted in: Business Intelligence - Sep 15, 2010

The key to delivering sustainable business value is to create a flexible development and deployment BI environment that enables BI teams to respond rapidly to new business requests and minimizes the temptation for business users to build their own analytical shadow

Strategies for Designing and Architecting Performance Dashboards

Posted in: Business Intelligence - Sep 14, 2010

Performance dashboards are the new face of BI. They provide a layered interface that conforms to the way users work rather than forcing them to conform to the way BI tools work. Like peeling an onion, users move through successive layers of information in a performance dashboard in a carefully guided and systematic manner. top

Ten Mistakes to Avoid When Designing and Building Your MDM and Data Governance Initiative

Posted in: Master Data Management - Sep 13, 2010

Master data management (MDM) is all about change—and change is difficult. If you want your company to be different and respond quickly to signals from the outside world, internal changes, and master data opportunities, you know what you have to do. Dig in, dig deep, and become an MDM evangelist!top

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